They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but no one every said that any of those thousand words had to be honest and truthful. Now we are living in a time where the media can take photos and make them mean or show what they want rather it is true or not. After the recent death of Mike Brown young people around the world have flooded to social media in protest of the negative images that have been used in the story of Micheal Brown portraying him as the "gangster". The #IFTHEYGUNNEDMEDOWN movement has been trending like wildfire demanding the attention of everyone. This movement shows people in tow different lights and all post ask the same question. "IF THE POLICE GUNNED ME DOWN WHICH PHOTO WOULD THE MEDIA USE?"
As we have seen with Trayvon Martin and now Micheal Brown often the media chooses the more controversial photos that place a much different light on the real matter at hand by discrediting the victim. At the end of the day ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and as the old saying goes "NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER" I commend everyone taking place in this movement as myself and my clothing line will be taking part in it as well because it is time for us to speak up if the media won't show the truth lets show it ourselves and see how long it can be ignored.
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